"I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus." (1 Corinthians 1:4)
Today is an interesting mix of the liturgical calendar. We are celebrating "Christ the King Sunday" - the end of one liturgical year (year A) and the first Sunday in Advent - the start of the new liturgical year (year B). Some churches are "only" doing "Christ the King" because four Sundays in Advent could happen in December. The churches I serve went with the combination so we can celebrate Christmas Eve on Sunday the 24th. No matter which time line we are using we can be celebrating Christ as Lord (King) of our lives as we look at Jesus "family tree," or "Roots." The Scripture readings, today, are talking about the Messiah and the coming of the Messiah while also talking about the King of kings, Lord of lords. Isaiah is pointing out Jesus comes from Jesse "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jess" (Isaiah 11:1) and the "Spirit of the Lord will rest on him." (Isaiah 11:2a) Paul is pointing out, to the Corinthians, how he "always thanks my God" because of the "grace given you in Christ Jesus." (1:4) These are about the Messiah, Jesus - the birth we are getting ready to celebrate in about a month. Jesus is pointing out He will return! "At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory." (Mark 13:26) God keeps God's promises! Jesus WILL return and we need to be ready for it to happen. So....Advent.... The time of celebrating the already - The King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Messiah's birthday from 2000+ years ago - and thinking about Jesus' "roots" and family. At the same time we need to be preparing for Jesus' return - the "not yet." Even as Caregivers, maybe especially as Caregivers, we need to be stopping to take time with God, to strengthen our relationship with God so we ARE ready for Jesus to return. Something to think about.......
"To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey." (Matthew 25;15)
This is Thanksgiving week. Have you ever stopped to think about all the gifts God has blessed each, and all, of us with? On Thanksgiving Day we used to say at least one thing we were thankful for just before we said grace for the "feast" we were about to eat. One thing - can you name one? What about the gifts God has given - like singing, music, quilting, able to "do" technology - how are you growing and using that gift? The readings today are about growing and using our gifts. Deborah is guiding the troops for battle, explaining who will be where doing what. (Judges 4:7) Paul is pointing out to the Thessalonians the importance of "putting on faith and love as a breastplate and the hope of salvation as a helmet." (1 Thessalonians 5:8) This is so we can stay strong AND encourage each other - especially through difficult times. Jesus is pointing out how two, of the three people, took the gifts given them and doubled said gifts. (Matthew 25:16) They took the gifts given to them, strengthened them and doubled them. Are we strengthening the gifts God has given to each, and all, of us? Are we growing the gift, using the gift? What are we doing WITH the gift? There is a LOT going on right now AND it is Thanksgiving. How are we using the blessings, the gifts God has given us? There are people living right near each of us who could use some encouragement, even someone to just "notice" them, and maybe some fellowship. There are caregivers who could use a break AND some encouragement. There are some singles who would love to be included in fellowship - maybe even a meal. Something to think about...... In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. (Romans 12:6a NLT)
Have you thought about giving yourself a gift? One of the training classes I was at, for a volunteer position I was in, spoke about having bad days --> give yourself a pick-me-up gift. If you are having a great day --> give yourself a celebration gift. A friend, in the same training I was in, agreed our 'celebration gift' was ice cream! This is an interesting idea! Sometimes to stop, take time for us, is the gift we can give ourselves. God has given us, "in his grace," different gifts. Each of us can do something that is special do us. Yes, I quilt - like a LOT of other people - but I can do it as time with God, time in prayer and to give as gifts. I will even admit that the gift I give myself, on occasion, is something to do with quilting (or knitting). I might, although it doesn't happen often, is to actually make something for me. What gift has God given you - that you love to do? How is it you spend time with God? Can you give yourself a gift? Some things to think about. "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut." (Matthew 25:10)
If I were to ask you if you were (are) prepared you would probably respond with "for what?" This time of year, where I live, you would probably immediately think about being "ready" for the winter season, or the upcoming holiday season, or even leaving to go south for the winter season. If you are still in school you think of exams and research papers. What about the pop quiz we all dreaded - are you ready for one of those? The readings today are about being ready. Joshua is telling the people to "throw away foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord." (Joshua 24:23) Paul is reminding the Thessalonians of our believe "that Jesus died and rose again" (1 Thessalonians 4:14) and "we will be with the Lord forever." (4:17) Jesus is telling about people preparing for the Lord's return. Some were ready and some weren't. Those who were ready "went in with him" while those who weren't couldn't. Jesus is warning "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." (Matthew 25:13) So....are you ready? Are you prepared? We do NOT know when Jesus is coming again but we do KNOW He is. Yes, we profess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Yes, we believe he WILL come again. My question is -- can you answer "why" we believe what we believe? Can you help someone who is questioning? Are you prepared? "a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to MOURN and a time to dance," (Ecclesiastes 3:4)
Today is the Sunday we celebrate All Saints Day (Nov. 1st) and remember, specifically, the loved ones who have recently "joined" the Communion of the Saints. It also gives us the opportunity to remember all of our loved ones who are with the Saints. I don't know about you but for me it is a time of celebration - celebrating my loved ones who are no longer in pain, sick or having difficulty moving around. The days, like today, that we "know" are coming we can prepare for, we can celebrate, and we can even laugh - or dance(?) (Ecc. 3:4) It is the unexpected times, when something catches us off guard, when we can "weep." Several weeks ago, now, as we were on our trip to the United Kingdom, one of the stops was Hadrian's Wall. I was enjoying walking around the area, seeing the actual wall, learning more of the history when, quite unexpectedly, I was remembering Dad and all the times we talked about going to see it. And, yes, I did "weep" In the Gospel reading, today, Jesus is giving us the Beatitudes. (Matthew 5) He reminds us "blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (5:4) Yes, there are unexpected times when we do "mourn" and some when we start "laughing." Jesus is reminding us of the reading in Ecclesiastes of a "time for everything." (3:1) The time, especially as we adjust to our loved one being with the Saints, when it is difficult to see the time to laugh and dance. (3:4) The blessing is knowing God keeps God's promises - like Jesus has told us "those who mourn....will be comforted." There can even be a time of dancing as a long awaited for celebration happens. Whatever the celebration is - the wedding, or the baby, the loved one knew was coming, the graduation, or even a visit to a historical site - we can imagine the excitement. We can maybe even "dance." Something to think about as we celebrate our loved ones being with the Communion of the Saints. |
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