"The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching--and with authority!" (Mark 1:27a)
WOW!! That IS amazing!! When is the last time you thought it let alone said it? When were you so excited about it you actually talked about it? What were, or are, you that "amazed" about? Sports? The weather? The road construction finally finished? The vacation you have just gotten back from? The one you are going to be taking? Something your kids, or grandkids, just accomplished? What is it you are excited about? The Scripture readings today are getting excited about God's Word. In Deuteronomy the priests, the Levite tribe is learning there will be a prophet God will "raise up" (18:18) for them. In Corinthians Paul is reminding all of us "there is but one God" for all of us to follow. (1 Corinthians 8:6) In the Gospel reading the people are "amazed" at the teaching Jesus is doing -- what Jesus is saying AND what Jesus is doing. So amazed they are excited, and talking, about it. What about you? Have you been "amazed" about what God is showing you? Have you shared it with someone? Have you felt how God IS with you through whatever it is you are going through? Have you felt the prayers of friends and family? Wouldn't it be interesting if we started sharing how God is working IN, and through, our Bible studies, our prayers, our churches, our families?
"At once they left their nets and followed him." (Mark 1:18)
How fast do you do something? If you are like most people it depends on who is asking (telling?) you to do it - right? Sometimes, even when you are talking to yourself, it depends on what it is that needs doing. (Yes, I talk to myself - even tell myself to go do something.) This can, however, lead to the habit of putting things either "off for later" or ignored completely. The readings, today, are about doing what we are called to do. Jonah is, finally, going and doing what God has called him to -- going to Nineveh. (Jonah 3:3) Paul is telling the Corinthians time is "passing away" so be paying attention to what God is asking us to be doing. (1 Corinthians 7:31) The Gospel reading is Jesus calling the Disciples, this time Simon, Andrew, James and John, and the response they give - "at once they left their nets and followed." (Mark 1:18) So.... Is that what we are doing? When God is asking us to do something, change something, try something - are we? As Caregivers we are already doing A LOT, and schedules are pretty busy, but are we doing what God is asking us to do or are we "putting it off, ignoring it, or (like Jonah) going in the opposite direction? Something to think about....... "The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."" (1 Samuel 3:10)
It probably happens more than we want to think about.... I know it happens to me. Someone is either here, visiting me, or I am at someone's house and I can hear them talking but not what they are saying. My usual response is "I hear you talking but I didn't hear what you said." What is your response? Did you even hear them (or me)? The readings today are about hearing God's voice, God's call. The verse, above, is about the young Samuel who has already gone to Eli thinking Eli was speaking to him. Eli finally understands and helps Samuel to answer. Paul is reminding the Corinthians, and us, we are to be responding because we are "temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you." (1 Corinthians 6:19) The Gospel reading is Jesus starting to call the Disciples. He has called Andrew and Peter, is now calling Philip and Philip is going to Nathanael. Jesus' call is "Follow me." (John 1:43) So..... Have you heard Jesus calling? Have you heard the voice but not understood? Are you paying attention or are you thinking about - working on - something else? Or.....like Samuel..... are you saying "speak, for your servant is listening"? Something to think about........ Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11b)
We are now preparing for Epiphany – the time when the Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem to worship “the king of the Jews” because they had “seen his star when it rose.” (v. 2) They had also brought the gifts, in the above verse, to celebrate the birth. Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, this week we celebrate the gifts of “gold, frankincense and myrrh” (and worship). My question, to you, is what gift did you bring for Jesus? During this time of the “new year” as many of us are making resolutions, or setting goals, what is God asking you to give? What can you change to (resolution) or set for (goal) so you can be growing stronger in your relationship with God? ’m thinking it might be as easy as maybe being polite, smiling at the people you see, holding the door for the person behind you or coming out, not being so critical of things – little things that might make a big difference. And…. Or…. I saw a Facebook post, from The Message, that said “God wants full custody – not just weekend visits.” Maybe spending time with God DAILY is what God is asking of each of us. Something to think about……… |
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
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