"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." (John 15:4 RSV)
It can be interesting reading different translations. Sometimes the same word, sometimes different words, but - generally - the same meaning. When you think of "abide" do you think of "remain"? What do you think of with "remain"? Does it require being in a sentence? Interesting questions.... The readings, today, give some of the answers. Philip is helping the eunuch understand who Jesus (the Vine) is. (Acts 8:35) John is excited about knowing, growing and testifying about Jesus. (1 John 4:14) Jesus, himself, is telling all of us the importance of a strong relationship. "Abide" means 'to dwell on sojurn.' "Remain" means "to be left after others have been removed." The message uses "make your home in me." The Jerusalem Bible translation uses the same phrasing. Jesus is stressing the importance of staying connected to God through himself. So..... how is your relationship with God through Jesus Christ? Do you "abide, remain, make your home in"? Are you keeping a strong relationship - especially as you are 'bearing fruit'? As Caregivers we are constantly 'giving out, doing, bearing fruit' meaning we need to stay "remaining, abiding, making our home" in the Vine." Something to think about.......
"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--(15) just as the Father knows me and I know the Father-- and I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:14--15)
How much time do you take to be with a friend? Do you "check in" daily? Once a week? Once a month? When ever you think about it or are "in the area"? Does it depend on how well you know them? How well they know you? Now days we have a wide variety of ways we can "check in" - from having coffee together to having coffee together via zoom. We can talk, text or actually see (sometimes) each other face-to-face. Which brings up another question..... how much TIME do you spend with said friend(s)? This Scripture reading is about how Jesus cares for each, and all, of us. How well HE knows us and the relationship Jesus wants to have with us. The question is - what type of relationship we have with Jesus. How much time do we spend with him? When do we talk to, or with, him? Are we spending time with him daily? Are we listening to and DOING what he is asking us to do? Busy schedules, unexpected changes in said schedules, changing seasons and many other issues can change when, where and how we are spending time with Jesus. We are all very busy with our own schedule and then we add in the needs of our care receiver and even more time is "gone." The need - to be with our friend, brother and Shepherd - grows stronger BECAUSE of all the challenges and changes. So....how much time are you taking with our friend Jesus? Something to think about.... "You are witnesses of these things." (Luke 24:48)
Did you see the eclipse Monday? I mean actually see it - not the various pictures (all beautiful!) and reports of it? Did you travel to see it? Do you have family, or friends, in the "direct" path? It was more than a "little cloudy" here but I did see it. I was out running errands and a young child, near me, kept pointing and going "Look! LOOK!" I admit it was cloudy enough, here, we didn't need the special glasses. The readings today are about what we see, how we see it and what we do when we see it. Peter is asking "Why does this surprise you?" (Acts 3:12) "It is Jesus name, and the faith that comes through him...." (3:16) John is reminding all of us of God's love for each, and all, of us "that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1) Jesus is helping us to "open our minds" (Luke 24:45) so "repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached to all nations." (24:47) We ARE 'witnesses!' (48) The question is....like with the eclipse, what is blocking us? Is something blocking us from seeing, and hearing, God -- like when the moon was between the earth and sun? Or is something blocking others from seeing God through us? As Caregivers we are trying to follow where God is leading us but is something "blocking" us from strengthening our relationship with God? Is something blocking us from being a "witness"? Something to think about...... "Then Jesus said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." John 20:27
Seeing is believing. We have all heard it. Some of us have probably even said it. We might even believe it - at least part of the time. There are times, however, when we question. We question if it is true, if it will work and, or, if we really believe it -- even as we are seeing it. Seeing, believing, sharing and questioning - because of doubts - are what the readings today are about. In Acts we are being told of the unity of all the believers. (4:32) They all came together "sharing everything" (4:32) and working together to spread the news of the Gospel. John is explaining how what they are talking about they saw "with our own eyes." (1 John 1:1) And Jesus is answering Thomas' doubts. Thomas wasn't there the first time Jesus "came into the room," he knows people can get confused - especially when they are tired and upset, and he has been referred to as "the twin" (John 20:24) so people often asked who he was. Thomas, understandably has questions and doubts - which Jesus is personally answering. What about us? When people see us are we "working together"? Do people see our faith? We all have busy schedules, unexpected changes to said schedules and caregiver needs. Through all the changes and challenges are people seeing God's love? Do people see we are living our faith? |
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