"and whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones....." Matthew 10:42
Yup, we're to 'summer.' The temps are going up and so is the humidity. I have also noticed, of course, the fields are nice and green and growing - the corn will even be "knee high by the 4th of July." We can see, and feel, all of these changes even as we are thankful to be able to get outside. I can also understand the idea of a "cup of cold water" being "welcome." Jesus lived in the desert after all - so he would have understood the concept! The question for us, as Caregivers, is if we can do the "one more thing." This whole section of Matthew 10 is Jesus sending the 12 Disciples out into ministry. We ARE in ministry - we are ministering to "our" people and trying to take care of ourselves. So...... is Jesus asking us to do more? Yes, I think he is. I also think he is saying it can be as easy as "whoever gives a cup of cold water" to a person. Maybe pay for the person behind you in the drive through, send a card to the person you have been thinking about all week or call one of the "vulnerable" who are staying "home and safe." Showing, and sharing, God's love even as we continue to care for "our" people.
"So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:31)
We are to a "new" season - according to the weather people. We are now in the season of "summer." I have to admit it feels like it at least some of the time. Of course we are only just starting into the new season. When we are a little farther into the season it will be much warmer! Still it is a "new" season with "new" schedules and with "new" changes. The Gospel reading, this morning, is part of the sending out of the Disciples in Matthew's Gospel. Jesus has told them it will NOT be easy. Jesus is also pointing why they should "not be afraid" - because God knows us "even the hairs of your head are counted" (v. 30). Jesus is, however, sending us out into new things to share the Gospel - just like he was sending the Disciples. God IS still speaking to each of us. This raises some questions for us........ Are we listening to what God is calling us to? Are we going where God is asking us to go? And, especially, are we keeping our relationship with God strong so we can do (go) where God is calling? With all the "new" things happening, the changes going on all around us and the need we have for our care recipients we really need to keep our "focus on Christ." "And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." (Romans 5:5)
Yes, there are a lot of things happening, changing and causing difficulties. Yes, there are even new things happening meaning learning new things while making said changes. Yes, this is affecting each, and all, of us even as we continue to care for "our" people. Yes, it is scary, and tiring, for us and for our care receivers. Yes, especially with everything happening we really need to make sure our relationship with God is strong. Through all of this, however, we have hope. We KNOW God IS with us, holding us by the hand (Isaiah 41:10 & 13) and guiding us. We celebrated Pentecost and remember the power of the Holy Spirit in us. Now we are reminded of this in this reading in Romans -- "God's love.... poured into us.......through the Holy Spirit.....given to us." God's love "poured into us" and filling us to the point we start talking, and sharing, about it. (Acts 2:4) Yes, things are changing. Yes, new (and difficult) things are needed. Will it be easy? No! BUT we do have God - who has given us hope. We have a God who keeps promises. So we can move forward - even into new, and challenging, things. "and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)
There have been so many changes, and challenges, in the last few months it is hard to think of all them let alone how much we (I) have had to change to adapt. The "easy" ones are the changes in time and the seasons. Hard to believe but we have gone from "standard" to "daylight savings" and from winter through spring into summer. Those changes are already accomplished and we are moving forward. The problem is when we think about the changes we are still making, will probably be making for a while and knowing God is still calling us to "new" things. The adjustment to different schedules, not being able to be "in person" with worship OR loved ones and actually having to learn "new" things has been more difficult - especially for those whose loved ones are in assisted living or nursing homes. We are having to learn "new" ways, even "create" some(!), to visit with them. All of these things have been frustrating, and challenging, but NOT easy! We can remember God is with us - Emmanel. We can remember God keeps God's promises. We can remember Jesus' promise "I am with you always" - even through pandemics, technology AND learning new things. We can also remember the need to s-t-o-p and BE with God ("be still and know that I am God."Psalm 46:10). God is our refuge, our strength and our guide -- even into "new" things! |
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