We are a caring ministry, concerned for caregivers, focusing on Christ and uniting for strength."
Welcome to Caring for Caregivers
Caregivers are defined as special people caring for others. We could all, pretty much, think of ourselves as 'caregivers.' For these pages, however, think more of a single parent caring for children, the senior pastor of a church (or churches), the medical team caring for various clients, and/or the person caring for a loved one.
As Caregivers we need to understand, and remember: I need to take care of myself so I can take care of my recipient I need to spend time, myself, daily with God I need to remember God is my strength I need to allow myself the time, daily, to "stop and know God" (Psalm 46:10) Take a few minutes to check out the blogs, Scripture references and the devotional, and the devotional blog here on the website. There are so many resources available locally, on line and at the state (and national) level I encourage you to do some research where YOU are. If you are interested, or need more assistance with Bible study the email [email protected] will reach me. There is also the Facebook page at #focusforcaregivers |