"But go tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'"" (Mark 16:7)
He is risen! He IS risen, indeed! Easter, a time of celebrating the RISEN Christ. A time to remember the very first morning as the women were trying to follow the customs of the day. The confusion they felt trying to figure out details - who would roll away the stone for them, how could they to this "last" custom, and then who is this person in the white robe and, especially where is Jesus? What would your reactions have been? What are your reactions as we celebrate now? At the same time we KNOW Jesus is going ahead of us - "just as he told you." We know because we remember the cloud going before us out of Egypt (with a pillar of smoke behind us) and God's promise - in Deuteronomy - to always go with us even into new places. (Deut. 31:8) AND we know God keeps God's promises. There is definitely a lot happening now. The weather is causing at least difficulties if not outright problems. The schedule(s) can be busy, maybe even planned and steady, but suddenly changed - not in a good way. We might even be thinking we are hearing God's call to "go, tell, do" something (maybe even something new). We might be feeling, just like the disciples, a little confused. Be we know Emmanuel! God IS with us - walking with us, behind us and "going ahead" of us. He IS Risen!!
"Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" 49 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."" (Luke 19:39-40)
How many times, I wonder, have we heard "actions speak louder than words." I know I heard it growing up and have used it with bringing up my son. I have used it, sometimes, when trying to explain something. It can be difficult when what we are saying is the exact opposite of what we are doing. Sometimes the actions cause reactions we will have to (or still are) deal with. The readings this morning are about actions. Isaiah is pointing out that he has "not been rebellious, I have not turned away." (50:5) Paul is telling the Philippians, and us, how God has "exalted him (Jesus) to the "highest place and gave him the name that is above every name." (2:9) Paul also points out what our response (action) should be "at the name of Jesus every knee should bow." (2:10) Jesus is showing us, by his actions who he is which, by his very actions, is upsetting the Pharisees and the Romans. (Luke 19:40) So.... what actions are you taking? Are you agreeing with the Romans -- no king except Caesar? Are you questioning like the Pharisees? Are you part of the crowd shouting "Hosanna"? Are you one of the followers who will follow Jesus all the way to the cross? Do people see you living your faith in God, through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit? Something to think about...... "When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come follow me." (Luke 18:22)
We talked about what we are giving to God before - especially when we are giving gifts to others, like at Christmas. All through this season of Lent we have also spoken about "LISTEN to him" - as in paying attention to what God is saying to each, and all, of us. Between the two wondering what we are giving to God, how we are doing what God is saying to us, is what is happening today. Are we really listening? IF we are listening are we doing what God is asking us to do? Are we telling anyone? How are we giving "back" to God? The Scriptures, today, are about the close relationship with God. In Jeremiah we are being reminded of the Covenant "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." (31:33b) In Hebrews we are being reminded that Jesus is "God's son AND a priest forever." (Hebrews 5:5-6) The part reminding us of what we should be doing is the way Jesus is answering the "ruler," "rich young man" or "religious leader" depending on which translation you are reading. No matter which name/title you are using it also refers to us - "follow me." (Luke 18:22) Are we listening? Are we doing? Even if we aren't selling all our worldly goods are actually doing the "follow me"? As we, as primary Caregivers, are trying to juggle busy schedules, changes happening (and coming) and listen for what God is saying to each of us are we really listening? Or are we letting the world, the storms and all the "noise" get in our way? Have we, maybe, even let all our worldly goods AND our busy schedules, get in the way? Something to think about....... "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate." (Luke 15:24)
Celebrating when the lost has been found...we talked about it last week. The lost coin, sheep or what ever it is that we put in a "safe place." We also talked about finding "time" as we look to strengthen our relationship with God. Today I want to ask what it is that is keeping you from "finding" the time. The time to be with God in personal quiet time AND the time to be with God in worship. We all have busy schedules that we think are the important part of our lives. We think we understand, and are doing - or following, where God is leading. The Scripture readings today are about following, and doing, what God is calling each of us to - especially the stronger relationship with God. The Psalm is reminding us to give thanks to God (107:1) because God IS good. God loves us (v. 1) and we need to be telling people about God's love. (v. 2) Paul is reminding us, in Ephesians, about how great God's love is because God brings us "alive with Christ." (2:5) And Jesus is continuing to tell the stories of lost things being found. This time it is about two sons - one who thinks he is the most important, takes his inheritance and lives the high life until the money runs out and he comes to realize how wrong he has been. The second son also feels a lot of pride - after all he stayed and worked. The father goes to both sons - one "while he was still a long way off" (Luke 15:20) and one who has refused to come to the party. (v. 28) So..... where are we in these readings? Are we giving thanks for what God is doing in our lives? Are we celebrating? Are we sharing the stories of how we have felt God with us? Or are we like one of the two sons - feeling prideful? God is reaching out to us also, asking us to celebrate and share. Where are you? Something to think about....... "And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.'" (Luke 15:9)
We've all done it -- haven't we? We put something of importance, at least to us, in a 'safe place.' The problem, at least sometimes, is we don't remember WHERE the 'safe place' is. OR...with even more frustration... we just had it! We were using it - whatever 'it' is - and now we can't find it. What about time? Have you 'lost' time? As in when you are just going to ________ (fill in the blank) for a few minutes? Then you look at the clock and see how much time has really gone by! The readings today are about loosing, finding and time. In Genesis we are told to "Keep the Sabbath day holy." (Exodus 20:8) AND we are reminded we are pretty busy with "labor and doing work." (20:9) So follow God's commands, as God's people (like we talked about last week) and keep the Sabbath. Paul is reminding the Corinthians, and us, of the importance of God and God's love through the "message of the cross." (1 Corinthians 1:18) Jesus is telling about things lost and found. Important things - sheep and coins - and the rejoicing when the lost is found. He points out, however, the greater rejoicing when the "lost" people come back to a relationship with God. (15:10) So..... What have you lost? Have you found it again yet? Have you "found the time" to talk to God about it? During this Lenten season have you been able to "find" time for God? As Caregivers our schedules get very busy doing "labor and work" which means we REALLY need to remember to take a Sabbath day weekly. (Exodus 20:9) Something to think about...... |
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