"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness." (Psalm 29:2 ESV)
Many things are changing - the month, the seasons (slowly), students back to school and (for some of us) schedules. New things are happening - as the schedule changes, moves happening and even (maybe) trying new things. Some of us are blessed to have family, or friends that have become family, there to support and encourage us. Through these recent changes I have been blessed to have family there to help with the move and encourage the sorting. The most recent help has been bringing memories, and a car, to family in another state. The blessings have been the memories - of past trips and times with the family - and especially being able to worship with grandsons. Yes, we have worshiped together before - when they have come to whatever church(es) I was serving at the time. This time, however, I will be worshiping with them at "their" church. Sharing our love of God is an important part of family. God time, this morning, reminded of God's presence with us through all the changes. Jeremiah is telling the people how they will all be coming "back from captivity" and "utter these words: The Lord bless you." (Jeremiah 31:23) Jeremiah also reminds God will "strengthen the weary and renew those who are weak." (31:25) Sharing these things from one generation to the next and the next - helping family to know God's love is with them through the changes and challenges. Thankfully it also means we can "ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name" and "worship the Lord" with the family. A special time to come together to celebrate, have prayer, praise God and worship. Something to think about............
"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5 NLT)
Crazy schedules that are changing - new month and the start of a new season (kind of) being just a few of the changes happening. Of course there is also the "regular" things we try to keep up with while trying to work the "new" things in. All of which makes getting things finished more interesting. Then we try to add in time with God. I don't know about you but I have time with God every morning, before my feet hit the floor, and every night before I turn out the light. Scripture readings, prayer time and time to "listen" is enough - right? The Scripture this morning is calling us to more. It is calling us to make sure we are spending time working with, listening to and "remaining" in the vine. Time studying, and IN God's Word -- strengthening our relationship with God. I recently saw this compared to a buffet - something we all encounter on a regular basis. I hadn't thought of it until I saw this..... The meat is usually at the "end." Or, like on a recent trip, there was a LOT more potatoes, veggies and salads to choose from than "meat" -- so we fill our plates with other things THEN get the meat. How often are we doing that with God? How often are we filling our days with activities - especially the ones God has called us to - with our taking time to STOP and be with God? How often are we doing all of these things without putting God FIRST? Are we REALLY "remaining in the vine"? Something to think about......... "And you will say on that day: "Thank the LORD; call on God's name; proclaim God's deeds among the peoples; declare that God's name is exalted."" (Isaiah 12:4 CEB)
Once again many changes are happening - school has either started or will be starting, summer activities are ending, the leaves are starting to change and (sometimes) it is even starting to cool down. All changes we know about, expect and can even begin to prepare for -- like making sure we know where the winter coats ended up and finding the winter hats and scarfs. Of course moving has "moved" all of the winter things so it is more interesting this year. We have also found, in the move, quite a few more hats, scarfs, mittens and even coats -- do we REALLY need so many?!?!?? Through all these changes and challenges, however, has been the strong guidance, strength and PEACE of God's presence. Even with the sorting, and cleaning out, of everything from clothes to dishes to crafting supplies God has given a "peace that passes understanding." Yes, there have been major changes as a four bedroom house has gone to one bedroom. Yes, adjustments are still being made to fit crafting supplies into an already full house. But, even though things are happening s-l-o-w-l-y they are happening. We DO see God at work and we are sharing about God's presence. My friend, Isaiah - from God time this week, is also calling for us to be sharing. Are we proclaiming God's name? Are we sharing when we feel God's presence, strength and guidance? Who are we sharing with? Are we "exalting" God's name as we share? Something to think about....... "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?" (Isaiah 43:18-19a NAS)
A friend just gave me these verses. She knows about my friend, Isaiah, and how I tend to go to Isaiah in the middle of a lot of changes. She is one of the memories I do "call to mind" as we discuss what is happening in each of our lives. We have known each other over 20 years now, we meet online, weekly, to hold each other accountable for self-care as we continue in our respective ministries. I love how my friend, Isaiah, reminds us not to "call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past." The "former things" have brought up a lot of memories as we work on "reducing" things TO move. Sometimes the memories are so special the item gets packed to move. Sometimes the memories might be just as special but we realize we will not be able to use whatever item we are holding, no one else (in the family) will want to use it AND someone else might be able to use it...so into the packing for the recycle store it goes. Yes, God is doing a new thing, it IS springing forth and we are slowly becoming aware of it. The changes are happening, the boxes are getting unpacked and we are becoming more aware of the direction God is leading. Caregivers, are you also making changes? Are you aware of the "something new"? Do you feel God's presence (and strength) with you? Something to think about.... "Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you." (Isaiah 42:9 NAS)
And challenges bring changes...... So many things happening at what seems like, pretty much, the same time. The hectic schedules change depending on what is happening with which person. Sometimes our "people" have changes that cause challenges and sometimes changes in our own lives bring on the challenges. When it can get really interesting is when the changes are affecting all and require even more changes. The most recent change, for me, has been retirement - from full time "church" ministry. This has required a move from a parsonage to the "family" home. As in going from a 4 bedroom parsonage to ONE bedroom. You guessed it! A LOT of downsizing!!! The most wonderful part of all of this is the "peace -- God's PEACE" (John 14:27) that we are promised. We know God keeps God's promises! God has shown, in so many ways I have lost count, these changes are what God is calling for. God has also worked out a lot of the challenges the changes have brought about. Even as I keep repeating "moving is fun" there is God's PEACE through all the changes and challenges. "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a t chance to eat, he said to them "Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31)
So many things happening, busy schedules that get unexpected (and unwanted) changes, and - sometimes - all of these things mean there are "new" things happening. The time we spend in prayer helps us to feel God's presence but also helps us to know the direction God is wanting us to take. Taking the time to s-t-o-p and be with God is something we need to be doing daily. Sometimes we need to be doing it several times a day! The readings today are about feeling God's presence and guidance. Knowing the peace "that passes understanding" because of KNOWING God IS with us. In Isaiah 41 we read of God holding our hand AND keeping us in "God's righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10 & 13) In Ephesians Paul is reminding Jesus is "our peace" because we have "access to the Father by one Spirit." (Ephesians 2:18) Then we have Jesus calling to us when the things are so busy "they did not even have a chance to eat." Jesus is telling all of us to "come away with me." (Mark 6:31) With all the changes, challenges and storms the schedules are even more hectic meaning sometimes there isn't time to eat. However, with all the things happening, we need to be even more careful to have the time with God. At least a morning - to start the day, and evening - to end the day, but "extra" is also good. When are you taking the time to talk to God about everything happening? Something to think about......... "Others said, "It is Elijah." And still others claimed, "He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago."" (Mark 6:15)
We have all done it, do it now and probably will continue to do it. "If I had paid more attention _____" fill in the blank. We have probably also said, or have a number of, "if only I had done ____." What we need to think about is if we can change. IF we can, maybe, turn the "if," and the "if only" into "what if _____." The Scripture readings are about changing the "ifs." David has taken his men and gotten the "ark of God" an are returning to to Jerusalem. "Please note David, his men, and "all Israel," were celebrating. (2 Samuel 6:5) Paul is reminding all of us that we are "marked...with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit." (Ephesians 1:13) God giving us Emmanuel AND the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide us. In Mark we are hearing the story of how John, Jesus' cousin, was killed. The reaction of the people is causing Herod to be concerned. So the question is about our ifs. Is paying "more attention" to what God is asking us to do? Are we we saying "if only I had one what God asked?: Or are we saying "what if I did it"? Are we speaking up, like in the Gospel reading, to say who we know Jesus to be? Something to think about...... "Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him." (Mark 6:3)
When you get excited about something what do you do? What about when you learn something new? What about if it would HELP people? Have you tried to share, to tell people, maybe even your family and friends? Have you tried to show them how it has changed YOUR life? The readings today are about living, and sharing, our faith. David is now king, building (and living in) the fortress he starts calling the "City of David" (2 Samuel 5:9). He also continues to grow in strength as he follows, and shares, how God IS with him (5:10) Paul is telling the Corinthians how important it is for people to show how Christ's power "may rest on me." ( 2 Corinthians 12:9) Jesus is also living his faith as he is, on the Sabbath, in the synagogue. The problem is the people question what he is saying because they think they "know" him. (Mark 6:3) This meant Jesus wasn't able to do "any miracles there" because of their questioning and unbelief. So..... do people question what you are telling them? Do they believe you? One of the sayings we all grew up with is "actions speak louder than words" -- so are people SEEING the change in you from what you have seen or learned? Are they seeing how God IS strengthening you through the crazy, changing, challenging schedules (and storms)? As Caregivers are we taking a few minutes to tell people how we feel God's presence and strength? Are we helping them understand what they are seeing in us? Something to think about....... "Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs." (Psalm 100:2)
Sabbath, and worship, seem to go together. We can even think of the Commandment - remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. (Exodus 20:8) The question is do we "worship the Lord with gladness"? When we get around to worship -- which sometimes is on a different day than we expect - are we thinking of gladness? Today is a fifth Sunday which for the churches I serve means a hymn sing. Singing songs of worship and praise, (joyful) with gladness. The hymns vary, depending on the church season, including the way we "do" them. Sometimes we try to "stump" the accompanist. Usually, though, we talk about the story, or history, of the hymn. We also have this as a time of joint worship where all three churches can worship (joyfully?) with each other instead of separately. As Caregivers we have very busy schedules, and we get very tired, but we DO NEED the time of worship - Sabbath. Are we stopping to take the time to celebrate God's love? When we DO take the time are we worshiping with "gladness" and "joyful songs"? Something to think about...... “A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away.” (Ecclesiastes 3:5 NLT)
Changes are happening all around us. For some of us the changes are the weather – either very hot or a lot of rain. For some of us it is changing jobs - maybe even requiring a move. For some of us it means “leaving" (scattering?) and starting “new" (gathering?). For some of us it is a good time to “embrace” and/or remember. For some of us it is a good time to “turn away” or forget. These verses from Ecclesiastes remind us of the changing times but that God has given us a time for everything. The wonderful thing is how God is with us through all the time, through all the changes, giving us PEACE. Jesus has promised (and God keeps God’s promises) this “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) Yes, especially as Caregivers, we are all going through changes. Yes, some of them are very difficult (and even a little scary) to go through. What each of us needs to remember is Emmanuel. God IS with us, holding us by the hand (Isaiah 41:10 & 13), but also giving us PEACE. My prayer, for all of us, is for us to be FEELING God's PEACE. Something to think about...... |
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