What do you think of with the word "journey"? A trip? Vacation? A move? The work (and time) required for any, and all, of the above? Or, like me, have you heard the phrase "life is a journey"? I can understand "life as a journey" with all the various changes in road conditions -- sometimes the route changes, sometimes it is up hill, sometimes down hill, sometimes like a roller coaster (way to fast!!) and sometimes like a quiet river (way to slow). Sometimes the road has abrupt changes -- like road construction(!) with the bumps (drop offs?!) and blocks requiring detours.
No matter how we describe what is happening right now we know we have to continue 'through' it. Our lives, for ourselves and our care recipients, need to continue to move forward -- which is difficult (like the road construction!) enough. In Hebrews 12:1 we are reminded we need to "run with perseverance the race set before us." (emphasis mine) We need to "stick" with it through the roller coasters, the detours and the quiet times. We especially need to stay strong by taking care of ourselves. The idea for this website, and Facebook page, is the FOCUS (Fixing our eyes ON CHRIST Uniting in Strength) so we can encourage each other to care for ourselves. This means mind, body AND Spirit -- relying on God's strength through the power of the Holy Spirit. That is my prayer for you as we continue to move forward with this ministry.
In Mark 6:31 Jesus says "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while." The reason given "for there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat."
I don't know about you but I have been so busy I didn't have time to eat -- or if I did eat it was munching on the run. All of our schedules can get that busy especially as we combine work, family - each ones separate with what the "whole" family is doing, and then the care receiver's schedule into the mix. But Jesus is telling us to "come away by yourselves." Jesus regularly asks us to turn things 'upside' down -- last shall be first, love your enemies, forgive (so hard!) and judge not. AND He goes to the synagogue "as was his custom" (Luke 4:16) which is another 'hit' to the busy schedule. One way to think of it is if we are making it to church (synagogue) we are "coming away" -- right? My question, for you, however is........ Is God asking you for time with God, by yourself, in Scripture (God's Word) and listening for what God is saying to you? Is God asking you for time with God to rest, renew and re-create? It is very possible God will help each of us see ways to change our priorities and our schedules. I encourage you to "come away" to a "quiet place" and let God feed you with God's Word. |
January 2025
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