I recently saw a post on Facebook saying everyone needs a friend they shouldn't "sit next to" at a "serious" function. I totally agree! Someone who laughs with you at the strange things happening is always a good friend to have! I do have a few friends who would agree with me it can be hard to keep from laughing... or maybe even keeping a straight face.
The one that caused the biggest problem however was Dad. Right up until the very end Dad could get me into trouble when we were supposed to be serious. He would whisper a comment, make a wise crack or do any of a number of other things that would start us both giggling. I can distinctly remember Mom threatening to separate us on several occasions. She never did... but she probably should have! The problem was Dad, a retired Episcopal priest, would be wearing his clerical color - especially for "formal, serious" meetings or services. NO ONE ever thought he was the one who started it! Of course that meant they all thought I was the one who started it!!! Like I say.... you have to laugh or you will start screaming! Remember those times....laugh again.... something to think about.....
How are you at waiting? How long does it take before you are checking your watch every minute or so? Can you sit still while you are waiting? I know with today's phones it is easy to find SOMETHING to do while you wait - is that how you do it?
I was recently at a family gathering with a lot of people I didn't know but who knew our family. It was a long time of sitting, and waiting, for the next thing (lunch) on the agenda. I had brought my knitting, which is how I sit still, so I could people watch (a favorite waiting activity). There were two young people in the group - one seven and one in their early teens. They both found it VERY interesting that an "adult" couldn't sit still. It was kind of fun to watch their reactions. I would take my knitting when I had to wait with Dad too. No matter which doctor we were at it was usually "hurry up and wait." Sometimes it could be a l-o-n-g wait. It was a lot easier to have my knitting, and maybe a book to read, as we sat waiting for our turn. Another "trick" I used was to go park the car, then come find him. It took a while to figure out how to do that since most of his appointments were at the VA. Another interesting happening..... Walking into the waiting area and saying "Dad" got every man in the room to turn and look at me! Like I have said... you either laugh or you start screaming! How are you at sharing things? I know we are supposed to share with others but I also know it depends on what it is to be shared - right? In our house, growing up, if it was food - one person "cut" it and the other person got first pick. Supposedly it kept things more even with the cut. Clothes were also something we shared. I remember being fine with hand me downs, even hand me overs (from my brothers), but the hand me ups (from a younger sister) bothered me.
I'm wondering, now, about sharing experiences and the stories of said experiences. Who do you share those with? When do you share them? Is it to encourage - like I'm hoping these posts do? Can you share with someone else about these posts? Maybe even the website? Can you share with someone about God's strength when you needed it? Can you help someone to laugh? I saw someone, at a store, recently who was obviously the primary care giver for a parent. I tried to encourage them - letting them know I have "walked in their shoes." I frequently tried to share Dad. I would offer him to ride with someone so he could help with their driving and getting somewhere. I would also offer him to someone who might "need" a Dad. There were times I even offered to use the "Ransome of Red Chief" idea. Have you thought about sharing this way? Sometimes you have to laugh or you will start screaming! Something to think about...... I'm sure you have noticed, the same as I have, that families are living further apart than we used to. I can remember, growing up, everyone gathering - at our grandparents - for Sunday dinner, special occasions, Christmas and Easter. Now our family lives all over this state (Minnesota), Texas, Wisconsin and Ohio. This makes seeing each other, let alone gathering together, much more difficult. It also makes sharing the memories more fun and funny.
Several of us were recently together to celebrate the life of a beloved family member. We all got to talking about memories and had some great laughter about how "dark and scary" a basement was, how BIG a dining room was and who got to sit at the "grownup"table. Especially when the description of what the basement and dining room were actually like was given. We all got a good laugh because we all remembered it the same way and were surprised by the reality. Then there was the difficulty of keeping up with all the various tech pieces. A watch got left here, a phone there, car keys over there and an iPad somewhere else. Most were found and able to travel when they should. Several will be arriving, in the mail, this week. AND all of these things will make for wonderful memories to share the next time we are all able to be around the same table again. Like I say...... you need to laugh or you will start screaming!! |
February 2025
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