"The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring." (Isaiah 58:11 NLT)
Moving slowly is what happens when we need to regain strength and (or) mobility. We may need a cane or a walker. Or...we may need said cane (or walking stick) "only" when we are walking on a trail outside. I was asked, recently, what I saw when I was walking. My answer is the same, no matter where I'm walking (Scotland, National Park or city trail), because I am watching my feet and where I am putting them. If you want me to "see" something I come to a complete stop and look where you are pointing. Meanwhile my legs, and ankles, are slowly getting stronger and I am able to walk further. When changes, and challenges, are happening (or I am struggling with something) I tend to go back to my friend Isaiah. God IS with us, "guiding us continually," showing us which direction to go. We are also told, in Isaiah, "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left." (Isaiah 30:21 NLT) God with us...guiding and strengthening us as we walk AND as we grow with God. Yes, our steps can be slow but they are "steady" when we are listening to/for God. Something to think about.......
"My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them always on your heart, fasten them around your neck." (Proverbs 6:20-21)
What do you think of when "buttons" are mentioned? Pushing the buttons on the elevator? The microwave? Seeing which "buttons" to push to drive someone else crazy? How many buttons there are on your favorite outfit - or coat? Are you still able to "fasten" the buttons or do you only think of "pushing" the buttons? There are so many "push" buttons now! We have buttons on the remotes, the microwave and our phones just to name a few! Meanwhile we are being reminded of the importance of keeping God's commands, teachings and "binding" them to us. As we are doing this are we also sharing? Are we helping others to at least see, if not feel for themselves, God's presence and guidance? I have been noticing buttons a lot lately...... either because they are not working (remotes and phones especially!) or because they are the ones "driving" someone to be upset. So...... which buttons do you think of? Something to think about..."fastening" God's commands to our hearts. "You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy." (Psalm 63:5 NLT)
What is your favorite kind of music? What is your favorite hymn? These are a couple of the questions from several "music" events I have been to this week. Two programs were about how important music is - one of which was the importance of music to those who are in various stages of dementia. It was about the way music brings back memories and included the song "I Remember It Well" - about the different ways we can "remember" important events. It also got me thinking about visiting nursing homes sometimes bringing worship service for any who wish to attend. Sometimes visiting just people from a specific church. One of the things I have noticed is everyone seems to know the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy." It is my favorite hymn and has been since I was small. It also seems to be a hymn most people have sung and know. Even the people who have no clue who I am, or why I am there, remember that hymn and can join in singing. So.... when you think of "songs of joy" (v. 5) what songs do you think of? "Holy, Holy, Holy"? "Lord of the Dance"? "Joyful, Joyful"? Or maybe, like me, your thoughts go to "praise music"...... "10,000 Reasons"? Sharing in praising God is an important part of worship, an important part of spending time with God, AND an important part of sharing and encouraging each other." Something to think about......... "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (Galatians 5:25)
Beautiful fall days remind us of taking walks as we look at the awesome color on the various trees. It also brings changes in schedules as school has started back and new things begin. We are all trying to keep up with the changes, walking and adjusting. Sometimes we are walking fast and sometimes it is very slowly. The idea is to keep moving forward. This Scripture verse reminds us to "keep in step with the Spirit" but it also reminds us God IS with us. God with us, Emmanuel, through all the changes and challenges -- new things starting or fall schedules returning. It also reminds us God is still speaking to, and calling to, each of us to be doing what God is asking. We CAN move forward because we know God keeps God's promises! Whether we are walking fast, or moving pretty slow, we are still moving forward! Something to think about...... |
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February 2025
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