"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:12 ESV)
With so many things happening, changing and being talked about it is easy to think of this verse as trying to help us see we ALL belong to Christ. Which is ONE OF the things we can think about with these verses. One body, means all of us created in God's image who love and serve the Lord. I agree we may not all look at God the same, we may speak in different languages and we probably worship differently. Like the rest of the reading says we aren't to think one part of the body is any more important than the other parts. (12:16) I think we should also look at what the various parts of the body are doing. How are the various parts of the body working or doing? Are all of the parts, as they do when the actual physical body is working, speaking out and sharing God's love? If the feet are spreading the Gospel? The arms sharing a hug of support, and love, showing God's love? As we work with our care recipients are we helping them to see God's love? As we see Caregivers, like ourselves giving to others, are we encouraging with (at the very minimum) a kind word or smile? Maybe even a hug? Something to think about..........
"Jesus said to her, 'Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father, but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." (John 20:17)
How are you at sharing something? Especially something you are excited about? There are times when we know something, even something exciting, and we can't say anything "yet." There are also a lot of times when we see others struggling, going through similar changes to what we are going through - or have gone through, that we could share our experience with them. Do we? The reading this morning is a part of the resurrection story. The tomb is EMPTY. Peter and John have seen it "and believed." (John 20:8) Peter and John "went back to their homes." (v. 10) Mary has stayed near the tomb, spoken with both two angels (v. 12) and Jesus (v.15). Jesus tells her to "go tell" and she does. (v. 18) So..... what do we do? Do we tell, share, with others how we have seen the Lord? Do we help others to feel God's presence and guidance? Maybe share the Scripture verse helping us feel God's presence? Something to think about....... "John answered them all, "I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." (Luke 3:16)
Do you remember your baptism? Some of us were baptized as infants so we probably don't but we do know who our Godparents are. Some of us were baptized when we were older so we didn't have Godparents but we do remember the event. Most of us have been to baptisms and know not only the importance for the service but are reminded of the vows we all make. So...if you don't remember your own baptism do you remember one you were at least at - if not a part of? The readings today are about John baptizing the people AND Jesus. He is calling the people to repentance AND pointing out how Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit. There were "multitudes" (Luke 3:7) who came to John "to be baptized." (3:7) And we know Jesus came to be baptized (3:21). Jesus was fulfilling prophesy and doing what God called him to do. So...... are we following where God is leading? Do we REALLY believe the vows we have made - either at our own baptism or as we participated in baptism services? Something to think about...... "They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." (Matthew 2:11 NLT)
Did you get the gift you were looking for this Christmas? Did you GIVE someone the special gift they were wanting? Was it an actual gift, wrapped up in a box, or - like we do - a special memory? We like to give memories - like doing things together. Sometimes it is a particular "show" (movie or some production) and sometimes it is the day spent doing things together. In both cases it is the fun of doing and then remembering. Today's reading, for Epiphany, is the Wise Men reaching Bethlehem, finding the "child" with "his mother Mary" and two things happen. First off the "bow down and worship." The second thing is to give the gifts they have brought specifically for the "King of the Jews." (Matthew 2:2) The Wise Men are excited, "filled with joy" (10) and "bowed down" to "worship." So..... Are you following where God is leading? What gift have you brought? What is God asking you to do? Where is God asking you to go to? With busy, changing, challenging schedules time is difficult to get, and have, regularly - but it is a wonderful way to "just" be with God. |
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